Milk Barfi

I love these Indian sweets and would usually have taken a little stroll up to my local Indian sweet shop Ambala for these but I sometimes worry that they may make them with flour in so I had a little surf on the internet and combined some of the recipes I saw into this really, really simple method that has resulted in a quite delectable dessert.  Also not sure about the spelling here, I see Burfi and Barfi used equally on the t’internet so not sure what is correct.  Please correct me if you think I’ve got it wrong.


200g Milk powder

1 tin of condensed milk

About 150ml of whole milk

3 cardamon pods


Put condensed milk, milk powder, cardamon and milk in a pan.  Heat.  Keep stirring for about 5-10 min until the mixture is thick and starting to leave the sides.  Pick out the cardamon pods (it might be better to use cardamon powder, I didn’thave any).  Pour out on to a cling film covered board. Wrap into a squarish parcel and refrigerate for about 2-3 hours.  Once set and cool cut into squares and decorate with pistachio nuts.  Serve for dessert, or snack on whenever you feel the urge!

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