Butternut Squash Bake

This is basically a bastardisation of the creamy, thigh fatteningly good Dauphinois Potatoes except in a very generous attempt to create a slimmer version I’ve replaced the tatties with squash and probably cheapened it a little by using some bog standard cheddar on the top.  Anyways this is super simple and has become a weekly staple at Flood towers.  I eat it on its own or with some wilted spinach although it would make a smashing side to a roast if you can be bothered.

Butternut Squash Bake


  • 1 butternut squash
  • 1 tub of double cream (erm about 200ml or whatever the medium size tub holds or your dish can take?)
  • 1 fat clove of garlic
  • A big handful of cheddar or whatever cheese you fancy


Pre heat the oven to 180 degrees.  Peel the squash and slice into thin slices, as thin as you can get basically, if you;ve got a mandolin then go you but I did pretty well with a cleaver and some concentrated slicing.  Peel and half a garlic clove then rub the garlic round the dish you are using, I used a glass casserole dish but a deepish baking tray would do.  Chop the remaining garlic and set aside for a mo.

And so begins the layering, spread out even layers of squash then a sprinkle of garlic, then squash until you get near the top, that’s when I start to care about the layout and fan them nicely across the top (although it doesn’t really matter as you’ll see from the appalling photograph, as it gets covered in molten cheese and cream by the end).  Then pour over the cream letting it drip down to the bottom, don’t worry about filling it right to the brim, it seems to work just fine without cream overload.  Sprinkle the top with cheese, oh go on then a little more, then slide into the oven and bake for about 40-45 minutes until the squash is tender and the top is molten and bubbling, golden and cheesy goodness.

I told you about the photo didn't I?

Serve as suggested before with wilted spinach, or a salad or let this accompany your Sunday roast.