On the box…

I want to do a regular (ok, let’s just see how I do) post on what I’m watching each week.  I love to watch TV, films and have recently become quite hooked on YouTube so I want to showcase my favourites here.


 the island x

The Island, Channel 4

I  wasn’t sure about this Robinson Crusoe themed reality show at first, but I. AM. HOOKED.  It’s hilarious, scary, shout at the TV type programming.  One minute I think they are doughnuts, the next I’m proud of the kindness they can show each other, they are nutters however and as such make fantastic viewing.


Mad Men

I know this has been on for ages, but it is BRILLIANT, sheer genius and I am so, SO sad that it will be over soon.  Luckily or not so luckily they’ve broken up the last season so the second half of the finale season (sob, sob) will be on in the new year.

Hannah Maggs – YouTube

I found Hannah through a recommendation from, Zoella on one of her videos, and I haven’t stopped watching her since.  She started off as a beauty blogger and vlogger and since becoming mum of the handsome little G she has developed into a much more mummy focused vlogger.  Hannah and partner live in London with their little man but have recently been vlogging from Florida where they have been staying for the month.  She provides funny, honest, easy to watch weekly vlogs and I definitely recommend you have a look and check her out.

So what have you been watching recently?  Please let me know in the comments, I’m always after a new show or YouTube-r to get hooked on.



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